Guardian 0.11.11
The 0.11.11 release of Guardian introduces a new resource type and various bug fixes.
The 0.11.11 release of Guardian introduces a new resource type and various bug fixes.
The 0.11.10 release of Guardian introduces a variety of fixes to various issues.
With the latest release of the following bearse features Guardian 0.
The 0.11.6 release of Guardian introduces support for certificates managed in Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM).
The 0.11.4 release of Guardian introduces the ability to create alarms on specific aliases on a lambda function.
With the 0.9.0 release of the Guardian Bearse feature, we are logging AWS service events for RDS, Redshift, EC2, AWS Health and Trusted Advisor to a bucket in S3.
The 0.10.0 release of Guardian introduces the new check type of ‘Websocket’.
With the latest release of the Guardian Bearse feature it now adds support for the new stackset ‘apimetrics’.
With the latest release of the Guardian Bearse feature it now supports creating multiple independent Guardian stacks.
The 0.6.0 release of the Guardian Bearse feature now supports sending alarms to multiple Slack channels with Guardian stacks created in the same AWS Account and region.
With the latest Guardian version and the latest Guardian Bearse feature, tags can be applied to Cloudwatch alarms created by guardian.
The 0.7.0 release of Guardian introduces the ability to schedule the enabling and disabling of alarms in maintenance groups using CloudWatch Events and Lambda.
Addition default alarms and events have been added for new AWS resources AWS Batch, Glue and Step Functions as well as additional alarms for RDS read replica lag
The Guardian 0.6.3 release introduces functionality for AmazonMQ RabbitMQ brokers, nodes and queues.
The Guardian 0.6.0 release introduces template variable substitution for alarm dimensions to make it simpler to define custom metric alarm templates.
The release of Guardian 0.5.4 has now provided the capability to create CloudWatch alarms for custom metrics.
version: 0.5.3 Azure file check The Azure file check provides the capability to check and alter on the existance of a file and the age of the file in a Azure blob store.
version: 2.22.0-b104 Update Summary Guardian Version 0.5.0 to support Event Subscriptions Set Guardian default SNS topics Tag Guardian cloudformation stack with version and commit id SNS To Slack Lamabda Support for Cloudwatch Events Guardian Feature The latest Bearse update rolls out the latest changes in the Guardioan 0.
version: 0.5.0 Cloudwatch Events Guardian now provides the ability to generate alerts from cloudwatch events such as RDS Read Replica failures, EC2 termination and RDS deletion.
Guardian 0.4.0 will be released with the following new features. The new version will be rolled out through Bearse.
Guardian now supports the SSL check on internal endpoints inside a VPC with the latest 0.
version: 2.18.0-b94 Update Summary new IAM role for deploying s3 static websites increase cloudformation timeouts from 5 minutes to 20 minutes Update Guardian to 0.
Guardian 0.3.0 will be released with the following new features. The new version will be rolled out through Bearse.