Bearse 2.22.0 Release
version: 2.22.0-b104
Update Summary
- Guardian Version 0.5.0 to support Event Subscriptions
- Set Guardian default SNS topics
- Tag Guardian cloudformation stack with version and commit id
- SNS To Slack Lamabda Support for Cloudwatch Events
Guardian Feature
The latest Bearse update rolls out the latest changes in the Guardioan 0.5.0 release as well as some additional functionality to the Guardian feature.
We have implented setting default SNS topics through the Guardian codepipeline so they aren’t required when creating a new Guardian setup. We’ve also added support the SNS to Slack lambda function to format Cloudwatch events in a slack message. Guardian stacks are now also tagged with the latest guardian version it was deployed with as well as the Guardian codecommit commit id.
The Guardian 0.5.0 release notes can be found here for further information.