Guardian Support for Cloudwatch Events

version: 0.5.0

Cloudwatch Events

Guardian now provides the ability to generate alerts from cloudwatch events such as RDS Read Replica failures, EC2 termination and RDS deletion. Event subscriptions are configured through a new cofig block with the top level key of EventSubscriptions to override defaults and create new events. There is also a new events sns topic to notify upstream services such as Opsgenie or Slack when the events occur. The bearse sns to slack function has also ben altered to support the cloudwatch events format. Checkout the Event Subscriptions docs on how to get started.

Stack Update Bug Fix

Guardin now adds a stack id suffix to each alarm which resolves the bug where an alarm would shift between nested stacks during an update and the update fails. This update will recreate all the alarms in the stacks when you update to 0.5.0.

Improved CLI Alarm Filtering

Filtering alarms through the cli has been improved to allow for greater fexibility when querying for alarm state or alarm history. A new --filter key:value option has been implemented which allows for filtering by keys:

Vistit the CLI docs for further information or install the new Gem and run cfn-guardian help

Default SNS Topics No Longer Required In Config

The default SNS topics are now not rerquired to be set in the alarms.yaml config. There are now defaults set in the Bearse Guiardian feature stack for the base2 SNS topics. Default topics can still be set through config and will override the defaults defined in bearse if that functionality is required.

Custom topics are still required to be set through the alarms.yaml config.

Improved Documenation

Guardian documentation has been refactored to make it easier to read and follow, There is a link from the main readme to the documentation or here