Ciinabox Pipelines - Washery Clean Snapshots
Ciinabox Pipelines now has the capability to cleanup washery snapshots with the new pipeline function washeryCleanSnapshots.
Ciinabox Pipelines now has the capability to cleanup washery snapshots with the new pipeline function washeryCleanSnapshots.
JenkMon is synthetic monitoring of Jenkins by running a simulated pipelines on Jenkins agents to capture issues before they have an impact.
Jenkins Agent Build Caching With the latest ciinabox2 0.8.0 and the latest ciinabox Jenkins agent AMIs releases Jenkins agents can now mount a EFS volume to cache build data.
Jenkins Synthetic Monitoring As part of this release, we now enable by default, a monitoring job within Jenkins.
You can now query Cloudformation exports using the cloudformation ciinabox-pipelines method.
The latest ciinabox update has some major improvements to Jenkins and Jenkins Configuration as Code infrastructure.
Previously when deploying CloudFormation changes in Jenkins using the ciinabox-pipelines shared library you had to created the change set and then execute it in separate methods in your pipeline.
Secrets are sensitive information that you want to tightly control access to such as AWS keys, database passwords or API keys.
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades base2 plugin updates The following base2 managed plugins have been added or updated
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades Base2 Plugin Updates Updated
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades Nested Cloudformation Changesets The latest release of Jenkins includes un updated version of the aws-sdk-java plugin which means we can now take advantage of the Cloudformation nested stacks changesets.
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades Upgrade Path View the Jenkins upgrade notes here
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades base2 plugin updates The following base2 managed plugins have been added or updated
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades base2 plugin updates The following base2 managed plugins have been updated
View the Jenkins Distribution release notes and plugin upgrades The most notable change is the ec2-plugin update from 1.
This update adds some extra functionality to some AMI baking methods around AMI lookup from SSM parameters as well as additional chef options to the AMI verify method.
AWS changesets allows the preview of proposed changes of cloudformations stack and how the changes will impact the resources in the stack, weather critical resources will be replaced or deleted.
Deploying to production can now be controlled using MFA devices. The device can be shared between a team or individualised per user which allows for greater security controls in deployment pipelines.