Ciinabox Pipelines - Washery Clean Snapshots

Ciinabox Pipelines now has the capability to cleanup washery snapshots with the new pipeline function washeryCleanSnapshots.

Previously, over many runs of washery, snapshots would slowly build up in an AWS account and eventually reach the snapshot quota limit causing various issues. We can now employ the washeryCleanSnapshots function to cleanup residual snapshots whilst retaining a certain amount for active use.

An example of the function and its parameters is shown below.

  region: 'us-east-1', // (required, aws region to deploy the stack)
  accountId: env.DEV_ACCOUNT_ID,
  role: env.CIINABOXV2_ROLE, // IAM role to assume
  type: 'rds|dbcluster',
  dryRun: false|true, //  (Optional, defaults to true, dry run option to test what snapshots will be deleted)
  snapshotRetainCount: 3 // The number of washery snapshots to keep stored

A detailed walkthrough can be found here