Guardian 0.11.6

The 0.11.6 release of Guardian introduces support for certificates managed in Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM).

Guardian 0.11.4

The 0.11.4 release of Guardian introduces the ability to create alarms on specific aliases on a lambda function.

Shelvery 0.9.8

The 0.9.8 release of Shelvery introduces two new features. Optional re-encryption of RDS Cluster & Instance snapshots Ability to skip backups of explicity unset retention types.

AWS Service Event Logging

With the 0.9.0 release of the Guardian Bearse feature, we are logging AWS service events for RDS, Redshift, EC2, AWS Health and Trusted Advisor to a bucket in S3.

Bearse Feature - Start Stop

The 0.0.1 release of the Start Stop feature introduces the basic implementation of the cfn-start-stop-stack gem as a bearse feature.

Bearse - SCP Management

With the latest update of bearse, we have added the ability to fully manage service control policies (SCP’s) within bearse.

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