Guardian 0.11.11
The 0.11.11 release of Guardian introduces a new resource type and various bug fixes.
Shelvery 0.9.10
The 0.9.10 release of shelvery includes a refactor of the re-encryption process used to share snapshots between accounts.
Bearse Feature - Start Stop Resource Schedules
The 0.1.0 release of the Start Stop feature introduces a massive code refactor to improve performance and reliability of the start-stop functionality with AWS infrastructure.
Account Health Bearse Feature Monitoring
The 0.4.4 release of the Account Health feature introduces a new lambda to the monitoring stack which provides the capability to monitor all lambda functions deployed by bearse features.
Shelvery 0.9.9
With the 0.9.9 release of shelvery we’ve updated all lambda functions to utilise the Python 3.
Account Health Washery Monitoring
The 0.4.1 release of the Account Health feature introduces a new lambda to the latest monitoring stack which provides the capability to monitor the washery tool.
Account Health Tool Monitoring
The 0.3.9 release of the Account Health feature introduces a new stack to deploy called Monitoring with the purpose of providing an extra layer of monitoring on the developers tools deployed to enviroments.
Shared Ami and Snapshot Cleaner
With the existence of shared AMI’s and snapshots between accounts comes the rising issue of whats in use and what isn’t?
Bearse Api Feature Dependencies
With the latest release of the Bearse API, we have added the ability to designate dependencies between stacks from other features.
Guardian 0.11.10
The 0.11.10 release of Guardian introduces a variety of fixes to various issues.