Start Stop - User Interface
With the 0.0.7
release of the Start-Stop
feature we’ve added the ability to interact with managed resources via a user interface. The user interface allows the user to navigate to the endpoint of a web application and manually stop & start resources outside of the designated cron schedules.
- Deploy the feature as usual, but now also add the parameter.
. This parameter should be the ARN of the listener associated with the loadbalancer of the application.
"name": "test-stack",
"account": 123456789123,
"interface_listener": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-2:123456789123:listener/app/testa-LoadB-AHSDBSJAKBD/jb2182n4j21824/8snjaosof82as",
"stacks": [
"stack_name": "testapp",
"start": "cron(0 5 * * ? *)",
"stop": "cron(0 10 * * ? *)"
"stack_name": "TestResourcesStack",
"start": "cron(0 7 * * ? *)",
"stop": "cron(0 3 * * ? *)"
Observe that an interface lambda function is created for the specified environment.
Observe that a new rule is created on the provided listener that allows for navigation to the created interface lambda. By default it specifies stealth mode (Only specific paths will go to the interface, but after stop/start operations the listener rule will update accordingly)
From here the interface is deployed and can be navigated to by specifying either the
paths. This only needs to be done on the intial deployment, after a stop or start occurs once (by cron schedule or manual) the process to reach the interface is standard. -
Currently our environment is stopped so we navigate to
and start the environment. -
Observe after the start operation completes, the page reloads and we are able to access our application.
Documentation regarding setup, configuration and more can be found here