Shelvery 0.9.6 Release

With the 0.9.6 release of shelvery we’ve improved Redshift clean up process of shared snapshots and updating of the s3 bucket policy.

Guardian 0.5.3 Release

version: 0.5.3 Azure file check The Azure file check provides the capability to check and alter on the existance of a file and the age of the file in a Azure blob store.

Internal HTTPS Endpoints for Ciinabox 2

Updates Orchestrate JCASC Yaml config changes with Codepipeline Internal aplication loadbalancer for private https endpoints IAM S3 policy for default cfhighlander generated buckets Internal HTTPS Endpoints The Ciinabox 2 0.

Bearse 2.23.0 Release

version: 2.23.0-b105 Update Summary ciinabox-v2 role permissions to deploy cloudformation to regions other than the bearse region conditional cloudtrail cloudwatch loggroup improve the secuirty of S3 buckets created by bearse archiving s3 cloud trail logs into glacier after 90 days Conditional Cloudtrail Cloudwatch Loggroup Cloudtrail has the ability to send logs directly to cloudwatch logs for quick and easy log search.

Bearse 2.22.0 Release

version: 2.22.0-b104 Update Summary Guardian Version 0.5.0 to support Event Subscriptions Set Guardian default SNS topics Tag Guardian cloudformation stack with version and commit id SNS To Slack Lamabda Support for Cloudwatch Events Guardian Feature The latest Bearse update rolls out the latest changes in the Guardioan 0.

Ciinabox2 0.4.1

Updates update ecs-serice component to 2.11.0 to support iam conditions and add policy to create spot iam service linked role for Jenkins ec2-plugin update default jenkins distribution version to 2.

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